Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1415-711X
PADUA, Elisângela Sousa Pimenta de and SERBENA, Carlos Augusto. Theoretical reflections about analytical psychology. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.38, n.94, pp.123-130. ISSN 1415-711X.
This article aims to outline the theoretical context that underlies the approach of Analytical Psychology, considering its relevant contribution to a humanized practice of psychiatry and deep psychology. More specifically, it seeks to demonstrate its influence in the field of psychopathology and modern psychiatry and its contemporary developments, to present the possible dialogue between a myth-poetic perspective of the human soul with the natural sciences. For this, the methodology used was the bibliographical survey of the main authorities in the history of modern psychiatry and Analytical Psychology. It was possible to identify that Analytical Psychology has a symbolic and hermeneutic perspective of psychopathologies and that subsequent surveys of Jungians and post-Jungians favored the formation of theoretical schools, such as: Classical School, Developmental School and Archetypal School. These schools critically reflect the classical theory of Jung and advance in contemporary studies. It is concluded that the plurality of perspectives that Analytical Psychology currently possesses reaffirms Jung's main thought: the psyche is complex, so it is necessary to dialogue and assimilate several areas of knowledge in order to better understand it
Keywords : Analytical Psychology; Symbolic Approach; Theoretical Schools; Carl G. Jung.