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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X
ROSA, Catiane Pinheiro da; OLIVEIRA, Caroline de; GASTAUD, Marina Bento e RAMIRES, Vera Regina Röhnelt. Psychodynamic psychotherapy of children with externalizing symptoms: a narrative review. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.38, n.95, pp.209-217. ISSN 1415-711X.
The externalizing or disruptive behavior problems, such as challenging behavior and aggression, are common in children and have important repercussions on the development. This study aimed to carry out a narrative review of research on psychodynamic psychotherapy of children with externalizing symptoms, in order to identify previous studies and investigate the contributions of that psychotherapy modality in meeting such demand. Books and scientific papers discussing the main aspects of treatment that contribute to the improvement of these children were sought. It was found that the psychodynamic psychotherapy can be beneficial in such cases. The empathic attitude of the therapist, the definition of rules and limits, and interventions of clarification and interpretation may be relevant in the treatment. However, there was a shortage of researches in psychodynamic psychotherapy with children with externalizing symptoms and the pre-eminent need for more studies in the area.
Palavras-chave : Psychodynamic Psychotherapy; Child Psychotherapy; Externalizing Symptoms.