Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1415-711X
GLIDDEN, Rosina Forteski; BORGES, Claudia Daiana; PIANEZER, Adriana Aguiar and MARTINS, Jeniffer. Participation of elderly in groups of seniors and their relationship with satisfaction with social support and optimism. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2019, vol.39, n.97, pp.261-275. ISSN 1415-711X.
The contemporary notion of old age reveals a demand for new iniciatives which contemplate ideas of quality of life, active aging, and social inclusion. Groups of elderly are potential alternatives in favor of these aspects. The objective of this study was to analyze the participation of elderly individuals in groups of seniors and their relationship with social support satisfaction and optimism. The study included 62 elderly individuals, of both genders, and aged 60 years or older, as members of seven elderly groups from a city in southern Brazil. The Satisfaction with Social Support Scale (ESSS) and the Life Orientation Test (LOT) were used as data collection instruments along with a questionnaire with socio demographic questions and questions about the participation of the elderly within the groups. The results pointed to a significant relationship between optimism and satisfaction with social support in the dimension of social activities, and to better scores of involvement in activities and optimism in non-married elderly individuals. In conclusion, groups of elderly can provide promising conditions for the promotion of optimism, and the family relationships of the elderly may require greater attention. Groups of seniors seem to make the promotion of optimism possible.
Keywords : Seniors; Third Age; Groups of Seniors; Social Support; Optimism.