Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1415-711X
BORGES, Claudia Daiana and SCHNEIDER, Daniela Ribeiro. The care process in a CAPSad from the perspective of users and family. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.40, n.99, pp.227-240. ISSN 1415-711X.
The problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs are considered a complex phenomenon that requires specific public policies. CAPSad (Psychosocial Care Center - alcohol and drugs) represents an important mechanism that aims to provide care and attention to its users. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the process of care in a CAPSad from the perspective of users and family members. This is a qualitative study with a descriptive and cross-sectional design. A total of 13 participants, eight users and five family members, participated in the study. As a tool for data collection, the semi- structured interview was used. The results demonstrate that the bond the users established with the CAPSad professionals and the sheltering received in the service represent the main strategy of the care. Regarding the participation of the family in the caring process, all the users affirmed that the CAPSad provides the approximation of the family to the service, although this participation does not always occur. User and family's evaluations regarding CAPSad were predominantly positive, the users reported feeling respected and attended in their needs. Being in the service and creating affective ties in this environment has been configured as a resource for users to remain active and seek social reintegration.
Keywords : CAPSad; care; users; family.