Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1415-711X
MONTEIRO, Daniela Trevisan; SIQUEIRA, Aline Cardoso and TRENTIN, Leonardo Soares. Delivering difficult news in a pediatric oncology unit. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.41, n.101, pp.205-216. ISSN 1415-711X.
This study aims to understand the challenges for professionals in the process of delivering difficult news to relatives of pediatric patients with chronic diseases. This is a research of qualitative nature carried out in a teaching hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 16 professionals who worked in the pediatric oncology unit - two doctors, five nurses, five nursing technicians, one psychologist, one social worker, one occupational therapist and one physical therapist. The analysis was guided by content analysis. The results pointed out challenges faced by professionals when delivering difficult news to family members. A complicating factor is the lack of academic or continuing education which would help professionals develop their communication skills. Also, the family is considered both a facilitating element in the child's treatment and a hinder to the planned progress. Moreover, among the possibilities of professional practice when delivering difficult news, the importance of open and active communication is mentioned, which builds trust and bonds both with the child patient and his or her family. In conclusion, despite communicating being intrinsic to the health profession, difficulties in communication were identified, which requires the awareness of professionals to look for quality communication when delivering difficult news.
Keywords : truth disclosure; health personnel; hospital oncology service; family.