Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1415-711X
SPADARI, Gabriela Fabbro and NAKANO, Tatiana de Cassia. Identification of creativity in the organizational context: analysis of different criteria. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.41, n.101, pp.266-275. ISSN 1415-711X.
Creativity has been valued in the context of work, understood as a process aimed at developing new and valuable solutions to the challenges encountered in this environment. To verify whether the identification of this characteristic has adequately occurred in the organizational context, two studies were conducted. The first involved 130 participants, divided into two groups: 62 employees appointed by their superiors as creative professionals and 68 employees who were not nominated, considering them initially not creative. All responded to the Creative Potential at Work Scale. Contrary to expectations, participants in the creative group had significantly higher averages in the factor "Blockages and barriers to creativity". In contrast, the non-creative group scored better in the factor "Attributes and characteristics that favor creativity". In Study 2, 45 participants had received some awards in their professional journey and 45 others, selected at random, did not. The results showed significantly higher means obtained by the group awarded in the factor referring to the blocks and significantly higher means in the group of non-winners in the factor referring to the characteristics favorable to creativity. The results indicated difficulties in identifying creativity considering the different criteria adopted. Such findings reinforce the perception that creativity is still marked by the lack of knowledge of its indicators despite its valorization in the organizational context.
Keywords : creativity; work; psychological tests.