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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

Print version ISSN 1415-711X


OLIVEIRA, João Anselmo de  and  SOUZA, Marcos Aguiar de. The influence of the safety climate on well-being at work and the employee´s trust in the organization. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2023, vol.43, n.104, pp.87-99.  Epub Nov 22, 2024. ISSN 1415-711X.

The concepts of safety climate, employee trust in the organization and well-being at work formed the basis of this study, which aimed to understand the consequences of the relationship between such variables in the work environment of organizations. The logic defended here, and which follows the guidance of the specialized literature on such topics, is that (1) a worker is more productive when his level of trust in the organization is high and (2) when he is in a safe working environment. In addition, (3) presents better indicators of well-being at work in such a context. The study contributed to the diagnosis of the safety climate in organizations, by presenting initial evidence of the validity of the Safety Climate Scale. A total of 249 workers from different organizations in several Brazilian states participated in the study, 138 (55.4%) men and 111 (44.6%) women, aged between 19 and 62 years (mean age of 31.4 years and standard of 9.21 years). Of the participants, 53 (21.3%) were from public organizations, 166 (66.7%) from private organizations and 30 (12%) from outsourced organizations. Participants responded to 4 instruments: the first containing socio-demographic data (sex, age and type of organization), the second related to the safety climate, the third used to measure employee confidence in the organization and finally the fourth with the objective of measuring well-being at work. The results indicated satisfactory statistical indices that recommend the use of the confidence climate scale in investigations in Brazilian samples. The structural equation modeling technique revealed a positive and significant influence of the safety climate on employee trust in the organization and on well-being at work. The results of the present study contribute to the adoption of strategies aimed at achieving both a safety climate in the organization and the well-being and trust of the employee in the organization. The study also indicates the need for further investigations in order to better understand the relationship between safety and well-being at work.

Keywords : employee trust in the organization; workplace safety climate; well-being at work.

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