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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X
TOLFO, Suzana da Rosa; PELLEGRINI, Priscila Gasperin; GONCALVES, Júlia e NUNES, Thiago Soares. Interpersonal relationships and workplace bullying: report of a diagnosis in an organization Relaciones. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2024, vol.44, n.106, pp.88-99. Epub 23-Set-2024. ISSN 1415-711X.
Contemporary organizations depend on people to achieve their objectives and those of their stakeholders. In this scenario, one of the challenges facing the people management team is coordinating interpersonal relationships. This article reports on the professional experience of a diagnostic process carried out with a people management team in an organization in southern Brazil. The demand for the work was prompted by a complaint to the organization's Ethics Committee about situations of moral harassment at work perpetrated by the people manager. The organizational diagnosis focused on investigating interpersonal relationships, and did not, a priori, name the situation as moral harassment. The activities consisted of an analysis of the organization's documents and interviews with members of the people management team and the manager. Based on the content analysis, behaviors characteristic of situations of damage and bullying were identified, manifested by disqualifications and embarrassment, with management predominantly using fear and verbal aggression. The manager, who felt she was the target of embarrassment from her superior, reported attitudes that aimed at efficiency in delivering results. Interventions such as these contribute to the structuring of practices that are well-founded and appropriate for the work of managers and psychologists in the context of organizations and work, as well as recognizing the importance of acting in the face of problems involving psychological phenomena and their repercussions for individuals, teams and the organization itself.
Palavras-chave : organizational diagnosis; interpersonal relationships; workplace bullying.