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vol.25 issue3Reflections on primitive phenomena in the analytical field: construction of a clinic with parents and babiesThe "space-between" in the countertransference matrix: dialogs between Winnicott and Ogden author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estilos da Clinica

Print version ISSN 1415-7128On-line version ISSN 1981-1624


VIEIRA, Camila Campos Curcino  and  PARAVIDINI, João Luiz Leitão. Sign language in the transferential relationship and its double position in relation to lalangue. Estilos clin. [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.3, pp.201-517. ISSN 1415-7128.

This work originated from the psychoanalytical care of deaf children and their families, having, in the singularity of the encounter between the analyst and the subject, the sign language as a disturbing knot, around which the Real of the transfer was perceived in its effects and the position occupied by the child in the mother's speech was evident. The effects of sign language passed between the nuisance, with attempts to prevent its circulation in the speech; and appeasement, in moments that brought meaning and moved the chain of signifiers. In addition to the specificity of the analyzed contents we intend to expose considerations regarding the mother tongue of deaf subjects, articulating concepts related to the drive dynamics of objects voice and gaze. These happened in a unique way and the particularities were related to the mother tongue and how it was placed for these subjects when deafness was diagnosed. To achieve the proposed objectives we will use some excerpts of the clinical cases analyzed, in the format of vignettes, in order to contribute to the development of the propositions and theoretical articulations.

Keywords : deafness; voice; look; sign language.

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