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Psicologo informacao
versão impressa ISSN 1415-8809
VIZZOTTO, Marília Martins; SANTANA, Elen; LIMA, Vanessa Fazan de e FARIA, Vanessa. Adherence to treatment of the mothers of children with severe chronicle diseases. Psicol inf. [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.13, pp.46-67. ISSN 1415-8809.
This study aims at investigating health-related beliefs and the adherence to treatment of mothers of children with severe chronicle diseases (sickle-cell anemia, Hodking disease and Diabetes Mellitus type I). They were interviewed based on five categories of health-related beliefs: susceptibility; severity; benefits; barriers, and self-efficacy. Two mothers presented more health-related beliefs and a stronger adherence to treatment and were more devoted to the child’s care. The third mother was less adherent, less caring and presented less health-related beliefs. Susceptibility, the caregiver’s ability of feeling the other’s disease as its own, was a very strong belief for the adherent mothers.
Palavras-chave : treatment adherence; susceptibility; chronicle diseases.