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Psicologo informacao

Print version ISSN 1415-8809


SOUZA, José Carlos de; SOUZA, Neomar; MAGNA, Luis A.  and  MAGNA, Natália Segaglio. Eating Disorders Preditive Factors Among High School Students. Psicol inf. [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.15, pp.39-50. ISSN 1415-8809.

Cases of eating disorders and their premature onset have been increasing. The objective of this study was to detect the prevalence of symptoms suggesting eating disorders in Brazilians adolescents. Were interviewed 1108 females and 968 males, with mean age of 15.92 years; 9.7% of them had positive results on the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT- 26). The multivariate analysis showed that the results were influenced by gender and self-consciousness about weight (p<0.001), depressive symptoms (p=0.002) and body mass index - BMI (p=0.010). We concluded that the EAT scores presented by the female adolescents in this study were similar to those found in the international literature.

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