Psicologo informacao
Print version ISSN 1415-8809
BACHA*, Mayara Mendes et al. The quality of life of Psychology students. Psicol inf. [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.16, pp.149-161. ISSN 1415-8809.
This paper assesses the quality of life of Psychology students, identifying correlations with socio-demographic factors. The survey was conducted with 310 psychology students, who completed the socio- -demographic questionnaire and The Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), this one used to assess the quality of life. For statistical analysis, three different tests were applied: the t- -Student test, the analysis of variance for categorical variables in relation to the SF-36 test dimensions, and the Pearson’s linear correlation test for continuous demographic variables. Results show that the total score of quality of life is worse in the first year and increases with the progress of the course. The domain with the highest score was “functional capacity” (average 87.43) and with the lowest was “Vitality” (average 58.50). There were significant differences regarding gender: women had significantly lower scores than men on “pain”; as to family income, the students with higher incomes had significantly better scores compared to those with lower income in “pain”, “vitality”, “social aspects” and “mental health”. Conclusion: the quality of life of psychology students is satisfactory, although some aspects could be better exploited by the university in seeking to provide development programs and strengthening the quality of life of their students.
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