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Revista da SBPH

Print version ISSN 1516-0858


MELO, Mônica Cristina Batista de  and  BARROS, Érika Neves de. Hysterectomy and uterus symbolism: potential impact on female sexuality. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.2, pp.80-99. ISSN 1516-0858.

Hysterectomy today represents the second most performed surgery in women at fertile age in Brazil. It consists of the surgical removal of the uterus, female organ commonly associated with affection, fertility and sexuality. It is considered, therefore, an important symbol of femininity. As surgical treatment, it can trigger considerable changes in the body, mind and social. This paper aims to investigate if hysterectomy, due to the symbolism of the uterus, can compromise the woman’s sexuality. It’s a study of qualitative approach with a defined sample, following the data saturation criteria. The data was obtained through interview and analyzed according to the content analysis technique. The majority of the interviewed woman associated the uterus to reproduction and pointed negative repercussions in their sexuality after the surgery, such as lack of sexual desire and pleasure. However, they recommended the surgery as treatment for uterus diseases. The research contributed to enrich the knowledge about the values attributed to the uterus and the repercussions of hysterectomy in female sexuality. As a conclusion, it is perceived that an approach to women’s health that involves biological, psychological and cultural aspects is relevant.

Keywords : Hysterectomy; Uterus; Sexuality; Woman.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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