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Revista da SBPH

Print version ISSN 1516-0858


ALVES, Paulo Eduardo Rodrigues. The phenomenological method in therapeutic group leading. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.1, pp.150-165. ISSN 1516-0858.

Group therapy is underestimated when compared to individual therapy. However, it proves to be more effective for many patient profiles, which makes it a kind of psychological practice useful in the hospital setting. This article presents the phenomenological approach as a theoretical foundation of group therapy. This approach is characterized by the suspension of assumptions that determine beforehand goals for the group, becoming a method of understanding group phenomena. Moreover, this approach understands existence as coexistence, recognizing the importance of social interactions in the formation of each one's 'identity'. Therefore, group therapy appears as a privileged way to access to the mode of being of each participant, contributing for a freer wielding of one's self.

Keywords : Group Therapy; Phenomenological Psychology; Existential-Phenomenology; Psychological Practice.

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