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Revista da SBPH

Print version ISSN 1516-0858


MESQUITA, Daniele Trindade; PERUCCHI, Juliana  and  MATTOS, Jéssica. Psychology and interdisciplinary work on Primary Care: an experience report. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2017, vol.20, n.2, pp.153-165. ISSN 1516-0858.

The aim of this paper is to present an experience report about the practice of a psychology resident in a multidisciplinary team in primary health care, raising possibilities and constraints regarding the exercise of psychology in this context. The report of developed actions will be accomplished based on framework of ethnography and of field diaries. We carried out individual and collective actions with users, such as: health education groups, home visits, multidisciplinary appointments, elaboration of singular therapeutic projects and individual care. It was verified a large range of work possibilities for psychology on primary care, that goes beyond the traditional pattern of clinical care, crossing over collective and individuals actions, always developed in a contextualized and interdisciplinary way.

Keywords : psychology; primary health care; multiprofesional residency.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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