Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
MORETTO, Maria Lívia Tourinho. Psychoanalysis and hospital today: the place of the psychoanalyst. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.spe, pp.19-27. ISSN 1516-0858.
This work assumes that what defines the analytical nature of a practice is not the location in which it takes place, it is where the psychoanalysis takes action. In this sense, it is important to emphasize that when we talk about Psychoanalysis and Hospital, we are talking about the psychoanalyst's place. This place is not given in advance, and needs to be built in each experience, in a way that the psychoanalyst can operate. There are three points that we can highlight for our reflection, in this work: 1) about the presence of the psychoanalytical thought in the health field; 2) about the transforming power of the psychoanalyst's presence in the hospital: the entrance and input; and 3) about the effects of the psychoanalyst's presence in the institution, emphasizing the consequences and the problemas arising from this input.We conclude that if we can speak of the effects of psychoanalysis in health institutions, it is because they show that the transformative potential of the psychoanalyst's presence in the field is not without consequences when he interacts with other fields of knowledge, it responds (or does not) to the demands addressed to it, supporting the discursive differences, which makes it possible (or not) to construct the analyst's place, the realization and effects of his work at the health institution.
Keywords : pscycoanalisys; hospital; pscychoanalyst.