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vol.8 número1Drogas na adolescência: temores e reações dos paisInteligência emocional e avaliação de alunos e supervisores: evidências de validade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


MATOS, Marlene; MACHADO, Carla; CARIDADE, Sónia  e  SILVA, Maria João. Prevention of the dating violence: intervention with youngsters in school context. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2006, vol.8, n.1, pp.55-75. ISSN 1516-3687.

Research on intimate violence has pointed out the importance of prevention in younger populations. Two experiences of dating violence prevention are described. Aims: (1) promoting the acquisition of knowledge about this problem, (2) enabling youths to recognize abuse in close relationships; (3) producing changes in cultural beliefs that support violence; (4) providing generic abilities to manage situations of dating violence; (5) informing about resources in the community. The beliefs of the participants were assessed in two moments - pre-test and post-test - and in one of the programs it was also possible to include a follow-up evaluation. The qualitative evaluation of the program made by the participants was also considered. The evaluation of these interventions shows that the intervention reduces the level of tolerance towards violence in both males and females. At the end of the paper major limitations are discussed, as well strategies to minimize these problems in future research.

Palavras-chave : Prevention; Dating violence; Cultural beliefs and attitudes.

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