Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho
Print version ISSN 1516-3717On-line version ISSN 1981-0490
MOULIN, Maria das Graças Barbosa; REIS, Cleilson Teobaldo dos and WENICHI, Grace Hitomi. Stone Men? Researching the work and health process in the marble extraction and processing: writing about an experience. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2001, vol.3-4, pp.47-63. ISSN 1516-3717.
The marble extraction and processing is an important economical activity in Espirito Santo. Studies show the bad conditions in which this work is performed causing a high number of accidents and constant damage to the health of workers. In this study, we aimed to know, besides the working conditions, more about the work organization, in order to evaluate the produced effects on the workers’ subjectivity. The research was based on the methodological strategies of the Situated Ergonomics and Work Psychodynamics. As data collector tools, we used both the participant observation and individual and collective interviews with workers. We also used the speech analysis in order to get closer to the meanings workers give to work, health and their interface. We understand health as a process and work as an important social fact towards the health and subjectivity of the workers. Health is an extremely important fact for the workers because being healthy is having a body ready to work. The consequences of the occupational diseases didn’t prevent workers from performing their regular tasks. The concern with health was projected to an uncertain future, when the illness would have already become a reality, therefore, preventing them from working. This idea allowed workers to bear the hard work routine, but it also discouraged more effective actions as far as health and safety precautions at work.
Keywords : Work; Marble; Granite; Health; Subjectivity.