Serviços Personalizados
Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho
versão impressa ISSN 1516-3717versão On-line ISSN 1981-0490
SCOPINHO, Rosemeire Aparecida. Privatisation, restructuring and changes in the working conditions: the case of the electric energy sector. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2002, vol.5, pp.19-36. ISSN 1516-3717.
The restructuring and privatisation of the electric energy sector in the state of São Paulo - Brazil has led to negative social consequences for the workers. Through data collected in interviews and direct observation, changes introduced in the technical base, in the division and organisation of the work were identified and also their effects for the worker's health and safety. In the generating power plants, the issues identified as the main factors leading to health problems were: noise, the night shift and the matter of working in shifts, the use of chemical products for the repair and maintenance of equipment. In the companies that deliver eletric power to the consumers, the problems identified were the night shift and the working in shifts and the performance of repetitive movements and physical efforts, wich lead to an increase in lesions. In both types of companies, and in the different work processes, the work load of a psychological nature is also very apparent, due to the intensification in the rhythm of the activities, by the awareness of an increase in insalubrious jobs, risk of injury and punishment at work, and by the atmosphere of instability which privatisation leads to.
Palavras-chave : Work organization; Privatisation; Health and safety at work.