Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho
Print version ISSN 1516-3717
MAGNIN, Luana Silvy de Lorenzi Tezza and PAN, Miriam Aparecida Graciano de Souza. Competency-based continuing education policies: a study on Brazilian public worker's subjectivity. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.2, pp.153-167. ISSN 1516-3717.
Being competent has become workers' desire to self-improve, dedicating themselves to develop at all times and places. This study analyses the modes of subjective production of the Brazilian public worker based on broad competency-based training policies, which haven't been enough problematized. This research follows a contextual discourse and theoretical documentation adopting Bakhtin's perspective, researching Brazilian public policy on workers' education, as well as the Report of the International Commission on Education for UNESCO and the Brazilian program on professional qualification (ENAP). Results show that competencies discourse is tied to a vision of liberal and flexible education that transfers to the public worker the responsibility of Brazilian public management's (in)efficiency. Although the fundamentals of the term "competencies" rarely appear in related literature, its usages and effects appear in its pragmatically perspective, producing a public worker who believes that he is individually responsible for its competencies and its deliverability. As it promises quick qualification and inclusion, competency discourse is a potent and competent allied of the capitalist state.
Keywords : Public training; Competencies; Bakhtin; Continuing education; Discourse; Subjectivity.