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Natureza humana
versão impressa ISSN 1517-2430
CAROPRESO, Fátima e AGUIAR, Marina Bilig de. The concept of anxiety in Freud's early theory. Nat. hum. [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.1, pp.1-14. ISSN 1517-2430.
From the very beginning of his career, Freud tried to define anxiety. The most widespread hypothesis among Freudian scholars is that he developed two theories of anxiety. In the first one, anxiety is conceived as resulting from the transformation of sexual energy that could not be properly discharged. In the second hypothesis, in turn, the concept of anxiety as a reaction to danger is emphasized. This paper sets out to discuss Freud's early views on affect and anxiety and argues that, even in the earliest stages of the development of his theory, there is an anticipation of the ideas about the relationship between memory and signs of danger, on one hand, and anxiety, on the other, that were to be more thoroughly developed in his 1926 book Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety.
Palavras-chave : psicanálise; Freud; angústia; afeto; neurose; psychoanalysis; Freud; anxiety; affect; neurosis.