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Natureza humana

versão impressa ISSN 1517-2430


BORGES-DUARTE, Irene. Propitious appropriation: thinking and loving as Ereignis in Heidegger. Nat. hum. [online]. 2019, vol.21, n.1, pp.34-53. ISSN 1517-2430.

Heidegger's radicalization of the phenomenological problematic of intentionality reaches its climax in the concept of Ereignis, in the context of the Beiträge. Ereignis means the mutual appropriation of being and its "there" place in human world, which has a cairological propitious moment. The event of this reciprocal appropriation manifests itself in many ways: in word, gesture, act, work. But in the last Heidegger, it reaches its highest expression in what he calls "thinking": the "propitious thinking" (Ereignis-Denken), which is neither calculating nor metaphysical, which is "other" in relation to what has already been (philosophically). About that "other thinking" Heidegger says that it is a way of liking (mögen) being, and so it makes the new possible (möglich) and grateful (dankend) to be propitiusly propriated. The same happens in love, as a "propriation" that "expropriates", being the appropriate soil to welkome difference. The present essay explores this link between thinking and loving as a propitious scope for the happening of the "new" and defends its irreducibility to the initial conception of any intentional object.

Palavras-chave : Appropriation; Ereignis; think; love; propitiation.

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