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Natureza humana

Print version ISSN 1517-2430


CASTRO, João Cardoso de  and  CASTRO, Murilo Cardoso de. Being human qua ways of unconcealment. Nat. hum. [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.1, pp.83-97. ISSN 1517-2430.

the modes of unveiling are modal aspects of the human being. They are faces, as Dasein, in the openness of its fundamental structure, being-in-the-world, illuminating the clearing of the There, in which oneself, myself, beings within-the-world and other beings come across in distinct modes-of-being. The emphasis in the "human" with the loss of being reduces the expression human being to the scandal of a human entity. At the same time, inverts the logical hierarchy of the modes of unveiling, giving an almost exclusive privilege to techne and episteme, what Heidegger denounced as the imperialism of the "calculative thought" without any place for the "meditative thought".

Keywords : Heidegger; Technique; Science; Wisdom; Intelligence.

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