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Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva

versão impressa ISSN 1517-5545


HELLER, Denise Cerqueira Leite  e  KERBAUY, Rachel Rodrigues. Weight reduction: variable identification and procedures with a low-income population. Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. [online]. 2000, vol.2, n.1, pp.31-52. ISSN 1517-5545.

This study aimed at identifying weight-controlling variables in eight obese women subjected to a behavioral program for weight loss. The program was divided into two stages. The first one consisted in a basic program of eating behavior self-control, and lasted seven months, totalling 24 sessions, the first one being individual and the others group sessions. The second stage intended to help in the acquisition and/or maintenance of perfomances previously demanded, and lasted twelve months, totalling fifteen group sessions. During both stages, the variables controlling weight loss, maintenance and increase were identified from the subject's report. Weight loss was observed in both stages, the average loss for the group in the first stage being 9,800 grams and in the second one 8,000 grams. The rate of excess weight decreased at least 24% for all subjects. A change in eating behavior was observed in all participants as to place and time of meals, speed of mastication and dietary balancing. An increase in physical activity was observed in seven out of eight subjects. The individual difficulties in the process of losing weight and the acquisition of healthy habits are discussed.

Palavras-chave : obesity; self-control; behavior therapy; low-income population.

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