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vol.3 issue2Subjetividade e saúde coletiva: produção de discursos na re-significação do processo saúde-doença no pós-modernoMal-estar na psiquiatria: o papel da mulher na instituição psiquiátrica author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148On-line version ISSN 2175-3644


GOULART, Janete de Aquino; SANTIAGO, Anna Rosa Fontella  and  DRUGG, Ângela. Afastamento para tratamento de saúde: sintoma institucional e recurso precário no enfrentamento do sofrimento psíquico no trabalho docente. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2003, vol.3, n.2, pp.372-394. ISSN 1518-6148.

The present work of research approaches, from a data-collecting of a city department of education of a city of the interior of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, the use of the certified one for treatment of health as a precarious resource of confrontation of situations of risk for the psychic organization. Search elements in the psychoanalysis and psychology to think the manifestations of psychic suffering about the teaching work. It takes the psychoanalysis from Freud to think about the possibility of that the choice of a profession can be understood as a symptomatic choice in the measure where, through making professor can repeat experiences and decurrent difficulties of the impossibility of proper significance of itself through the work. On the other hand, it assumes the possibility of the professional to retake and to remaking the meaning its experiences and decurrent marks of its psychic constitution of its insertion in the social one, finding in the work organization conditions such as in the construction of the symptom. It searchs an approach with the study concerning the Psychopathologie of the work with Christophe Dejours, in order to establish some parameters in the identification of the psychic suffering in the work and for approach in the psychic suffering of the teaching work. In the common sense it has, an agreement spread of that the certified doctor is a used resource to cheat the work, as escape of the work. However, concerning the citizen taken for the bias of the psychoanalysis, it can be thought that it has one to know that it is not known, one to know that it circulates in the language of the common sense, but that one does not meet in books of histories. It has histories not registered for the conscientious level, but that they emerge of the unconscious one in order to enroll itself in the life of the citizen. For another side, is necessary to recognize the existence of social factors that intervene in significant way with the establishment of the conditions of teaching work. This, at many moments is factor of disorganization for the professional, making it difficult the constitution of a space where it can see itself while subject, can remain itself as subject, if recognizing and if meaning for the work. To exceed the common barrier of the visual and auditory perception in the reading of the daily pertaining to school to identify the forms of the citizen to control or even though to express its suffering they are possibilities of if advancing in the agreement on the organization of the schools as well as of the produced bows in, component basic of the process the teach-learning.

Keywords : psychic organization; psychic suffering; psychopathologie of the work.

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