Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
Print version ISSN 1518-6148
PISANI, Marilia Mello. Marxismo e psicanálise no pensamento de Herbert Marcuse: uma polêmica. Rev. Mal-Estar e Subj. [online]. 2004, vol.4, n.1, pp.23-64. ISSN 1518-6148.
The proposal of this paper is to show that Marcuses'interpretation about Freud's work can not be understood out of relation between the Freudian Psychoanalysis and the Marxism, a relation that is not of opposition neither of synthesis (union), but dialetic - at this context that Freudian Theory reveal its whole importance. To understand the interpretation about Freud achieved by Marcuse, we chose for analyse the Paul Robinson's criticism. According to Robinson's interpretation, Marcuse tried to unite, in Eros and Civilization, Marx and Freud. The work based in that criticism was very productive, because it provides to establish many topics regarding interpretation of Marcuse. To argue against the Robinson's reading, we exposed the proper differences between Marcuse and the Neo-freudian Revisionism, since interpretation of Freudian Theory achieved by Marcuse only can be understood inside the context of criticism to the Revisionism. It is here that it reveals its peculiarity: Marcuse try to save Freudian Theory from american psychologism of fifities and sixties age, showing it like a essentially critical theory. We recovered some concepts such as Repressive Desublimation, Surplus-repression and Performance Principle, formulated by Marcuse, as well as we recovered the context of Immanent Criticism, where is Marcusean interpretation.
Keywords : Marcuse; Eros and Civilization; critical theory; freudin theory; marxism.