Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
Print version ISSN 1518-6148
ARREGUY, Marília Etienne. Dois romances, tempos distintos: uma reflexão sobre o amor e o ciúme na atualidade. Rev. Mal-Estar e Subj. [online]. 2004, vol.4, n.1, pp.112-130. ISSN 1518-6148.
The aim of this work is to comprehend the jealousy and lovers relationships in the actuality supported by a psychoanalytical reading of literary novels. It porpouses a comparative analysis of two narratives: Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis (1899) and E do meio do mundo prostituto só amores guardei ao meu charuto by Rubem Fonseca (1997). Considering the changes happened in these almost hundred years between one work and another, we could ask: the lovers jealousy has changed or its cultural expressions stills the same?
Keywords : jealousy; psychoanalysis; literature; love; jealousy; actuality.