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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644
MOREIRA, Jacqueline de Oliveira. As faces do trauma na contemporaneidade: a dialética do dizível e do indizível no transtorno do pânico, uma lacuna na história. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2006, vol.6, n.1, pp.67-84. ISSN 1518-6148.
In the present paper, we intend to discuss the issues of helplessness and trauma, both present in panic disorder, as well as the link between this sickening process and post-modern traumas. We will also study the ego traumatic failure in historicizing the panicked subject's life. The modern world doesn't provide subjects with efficient ways of dealing with the structural helplessness condition. It creates, therefore, a propitious environment for the rising of panic disorder cases. The helplessness situation can emerge in the subject's life when he has to face the loss of an ideal who used to work as an organizing reference of his psychic structure. The loss of this ideal/organizer generates great confusion in the pulsional cadencies. The psychic system, in order be able to face a great internal danger, in an attempt to defend itself, projects danger in the outside world by panicking. The subject's ego will be the agent of this projection, for it is the primary barrier against anguish. Therefore, panic disorder is a psychic pathological attempt to deal with the craziness generated by the loss of the ideal. Nevertheless, according to our hypothesis, during this whole process the ego loses it's capacity of rebuilding the subject's story concerning his relation to the ideal instance. The narcissistic-imaginary ego tries to historicize the unpredictable beginning, but the anguish attack weakens such instance, and generates a gap in the subject's history. This is why we agree with Fédida, as he reveals the psychoanalyst takes care of an Eros sickened by excess. The word 'transference' offers the hearing and the nomination of this affect, providing it with the possibility of a new faith (affect). This is the idea we stand for in a clinical case described at the end of the text.
Palavras-chave : panic; post modernity; trauma; ego; history.