Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
Print version ISSN 1518-6148On-line version ISSN 2175-3644
MAIA, Ari Fernando and ANTUNES, Deborah Christina. Music, cultural industry and conscience limitation. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2008, vol.8, n.4, pp.1143-1176. ISSN 1518-6148.
This article has carried out a study which was theoretically supported on the pieces of work by Theodor W. Adorno about music, concerning one empirical study between individuals and music, when it comes to likes and dislikes in reference to music styles. Initially the article brings back the concept of cultural industry and also the concept of music as a commodity. According to the presented methodology, the article has carried out analyses based on some of the collected data. It also presents a typology related to the justification for the support of music styles by some of the individuals who took part during this research, and later, with support on the texts by Adorno, a typology related to individuals behavior towards music styles, promoting a discussion with respect to the relationship between both and the use of typology to social critic. It is also about the rejection towards some music styles and the lack of justification of some individuals, which is usually based on stereotypes. The research also considers the function of music as a means of social control and ideology that forms a basis of resentment and fixation whose results are shown as much in psychological economy of individuals as in the public sphere.
Keywords : cultural industry; music; conscience limitation; typology; Theodor Adorno.