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vol.9 issue3Aprender disfrutando: una experiencia de ocio para adultos/mayores en la UniversidadOs embriões congelados: da falta ao excesso author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


CREMASCO, Maria Virgínia F.  and  BRUNHARI, Marcos Vinícius. Da angústia ao suicídio. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2009, vol.9, n.3, pp.785-814. ISSN 1518-6148.

Having the title "from anguish to suicide" this article proposes, based on a review of psychoanalytical articles, to exam the articulation between anguish and suicide. While the anguish will be detailed according to the psychoanalysis theory, suicide will be defined as a choice for ending its own existence, or also, an action against its own existence, whether it is only an attempt or a suicide act itself. Freud's reflections and the development of his thoughts about anguish will be exploited, an affection that appears from the fact that the ego make efforts for the pleasure and try to avoid the displeasure and, with the raise of displeasure, sends an anguish sign. Upon Freud's reflections, information about Lacan, who understand that anguish comes from a structure lack, will be highlighted. To Lacan, in anguish, what matters is what this absence can lack. The anguish sprouting would be produced at the moment when the lack gap, (-φ), is occupied by the instant intervention of object a. It is out of the subject's relation with object a that Lacan indicates the passage to the act as a moment when the subject precipitates out of the scene, meaning, the subject leaves the scene, on which constitutes itself as that, as a speech carrier and returns to the fundamental exclusion. Also about the relation of the subject with object a, the acting out will be referred. By doing that, not only the passage to the act but also the acting out can be seen as actions forwarders to anguish.

Keywords : anguish; suicide; object a; passage to the act; acting out.

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