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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148
VIOLA, Daniela Teixeira Dutra e VORCARO, Ângela Maria Resende. A formulação do objeto a a partir da teorização lacaniana acerca da angústia. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2009, vol.9, n.3, pp.867-903. ISSN 1518-6148.
The present article examines a cutting of the theoretical course of Lacan on the affection of the anguish. In the analyzed works, Lacan examines the main Freudian hypotheses regarding the appearance of the anguish and its relationship with an object, searching to explain the gaps and the deadlocks left by those hypotheses. That rereading is of great importance, because it is starting from it that Lacan builds his own theory concerning the anguish, theory that is shown essential for the approach of subjects of great importance in the psychoanalysis, like the problem of the desire and the constitution of the subject. However, it is in the formulation of the concept of object a that this theorization demonstrates to be the nodal point. In view of that, we intend to evidence elements of that theorization that allow to understand how it clears the path for the conception of the object a and for the whole revision about the statute of the object. For that, we fall back on two moments of Lacan's work - the seminar eight, The transference (1960 - 1961), and the seminar 10, The anguish (1962 -1963). From the seminar eight, it is presented a chapter that bears on the relationship of the anguish and the desire. In the seminar 10, in its turn, we investigate the ways that the author goes through to extract the singular concept of object a and to formulate the statute of that object, statute that establishes it as a concept of fundamental importance for the psychoanalytic praxis of Lacanian orientation.
Palavras-chave : psychoanalysis; anguish; object a; subject; desire.