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vol.10 número3Haiti, país mal ditoA experiência do câncer infantil: repercussões familiares, pessoais e sociais índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148


TURNA, José Waldemar Thiesen  y  BERLINCK, Manoel Tosta. O jogo do morto no corpo: introjeção e mortificação. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.3, pp.951-968. ISSN 1518-6148.

Problems related to alcoholism bring up questions as to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of this very serious clinical symptom. Beyond its historical, mythical and prosaic aspects, alcohol causes a number of evolving phenomena related to the morbid state of alcoholism that provide the subject with imaginary props for his object relations related to phallic expectations. In the process, it results in serious chronic physical and mental consequences. Go through a way which discuss the origins of this relationship by questioning the earliest foundations and functions of the parental objects, problems resulting from these relationships and the impossibility of mourning. These functions that beyond the paternal and maternal must constitute the bases of a libidinal organization and its dimensions of jouissance, guilt and punishment. This problems manifest such states consist of affective pathos which results in extremely aggressive manifestations in disorders of alcoholic orality. This paper review and discusses an analogy between two fundamental conceptualizations in establishing object relations. The analysis was base on the speech of alcohol-addicted patients hospitalized in a clinic to treat their symptons. The alcoholic's discourse does not propose the object alcohol as an object of exchange. In its supposed discursive dialectic, this very object serves for an invalidation of the subject. The ego narrates itself outside of the condition of master in this process and the words conduce them towards disruptive and aggressive situations. It is the jouissances' imposition that summons these subjects to the eternal return of the alcoholic reinsidence. The concept of Introjection and Incorporation establish a connection between the first object relations and the body organization, and help us understand the conditions of symbolic interventions, which will help the alcoholic subject find a sense in their symptoms and with it monitor or even modify it.

Palabras clave : Alcoholism; Orality disorders; Incorporation; Introjection; Fundamental Psychopathology.

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