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vol.10 issue4O trabalho, a repressão e o mal-estar do trabalhador: algumas reflexõesInstitucionalização e reinserção familiar de crianças e adolescentes author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


PINHEIRO, Kátia Flôres; RHODEN, Ieda  and  MARTINS, José Clerton de Oliveira. A experiência do ócio na sociedade hipermoderna. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.4, pp.1131-1146. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article proposes a reflection about the issue of leisure experiences during the free time in the current context from the conception of a hypermodernity in course. Although, it represents a challenge, because a critical-scientific discussion about the subject is still new in Brazil, mainly in the field of psychology. In this way, we argue that the theoretical differences have contributed to give vitality and support to the theme. Therefore, we introduce concepts and wider aspect application and problematization of the subject, including its disciplinary and trans-disciplinary interfaces from contemporary texts gathered through a theoretical research. Some discursive elements such as: consumption, body, leisure, work and subjectivity are articulated to the theme and related to the reflection characterized by a way of think committed with a leisure experience, here treated as a positive and transforming experience, which is originally subjective and entangles with the social world derived from the consumerist contemporaneity, responsible for conveying happiness to objects of desire. The main point of the discussion derives from the observation of what is the leisure reality in the contemporaneity, seeking to understand its meanings in a psycho-social dimension, whose scenario represented in the hypermodernity in big urban centers indicates/ human phenomenons characterized by the consumerist culture and the new processes of subjectivity.

Keywords : Free time; Leisure; Subjectivity; Hypermodernity; Consumption.

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