Serviços Personalizados
Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148
OLTRAMARI, Andrea Poleto; GRISCI, Carmem Ligia Iochins e WEBER, Lílian. Career and family relations: a dilemma for banking executives. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.1, pp.100-133. ISSN 1518-6148.
The present article is the result of an exploratory research whose objective was to learn what are the personal dilemmas involving the career of banking executives in the contemporary life, and to understand how they are intertwined with their family relations. The interviews were conducted with ten banking executives from Porto Alegre and the metropolitan area, and also with one representative from their family relations, including spouses and children. The structured interviews were conducted with the banking executives within their work environments, and interviews with family members occurred in their homes or in stores suggested by them. Data were analyzed in a qualitative way and followed the guidelines proposed by Minayo (2001). Results show that the dilemmas are potentialized and enhanced by the categories of time, mobility, professional success, status, and consumption. The existence of dilemmas is not something new, but in contemporary life they take over the subject's professional and personal life despite the borders of space and time, affecting the executive and his family's way of life. Such configuration is related to a "model" of meteoric professional career, which is the responsibility of the worker alone, in a context where immaterial work prevails (LAZZARATO & NEGRI, 2001).
Palavras-chave : Career; Dilemma; Banking Executive; Family Relations; Immaterial Work.