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vol.11 número2El dolor físico y mental en la metapsicología freudianaLe femínea como una metáfora del sujeto en psicoanálisis índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148


AZEVEDO, Monia Karine  y  TEIXEIRA, Giuliana de Oliveira Marson. Drug addiction and suicide under a psychoanalytic view. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.2, pp.623-644. ISSN 1518-6148.

What kind of relation exists between suicide and drug addiction for psychoanalysis in the contemporaneity? The questioning came up after an experience of analytical hearing with drug addicts in which they brought several times their suicidal ideations and unsuccessful trials. In this way, this article aims to explore, through a bibliographical research, the psychoanalytical theory in order to reach a comprehension about drug addiction and the suicidal act and their common points. We explored Freud's work Civilization and its Discontents and found important concepts for the understanding of the mentioned topics - such as pleasure, helplessness, and discomfort. In addition, we discuss works of contemporaneous psychoanalysts, such as Joel Birman and Jesús Santigo, for a comprehension about the constitution of the subject in the contemporaneity. We found, as a common denominator, the subject's symbolic precariousness due to a collapse of the legislator. This subject, lacking symbolic capability, is exposed to an excess of traumatic dimensions and has difficulties dealing with it. Therefore, they appeal to artificial substances in order to achieve a temporary discharge and even obtain a pleasure that is not mediated by the symbolic. Another possibility, more extreme, rests upon the suicide, a final and unfailing act in order to solve the discomfort.

Palabras clave : Discomfort; passage to the act; drug addiction; suicide; postmodernity.

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