Servicios Personalizados
Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148
MACHADO, Rebeca Nonato; CARNEIRO, Terezinha Féres y MAGALHAES, Andrea Seixas. Preliminary interviews in family psychotherapy: construction of shared demand. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.2, pp.669-699. ISSN 1518-6148.
The present work is product of a research that had as objective to investigate the period of preliminary interviews with families, focusing the familiar diagnosis evaluation specificity and the conjoint demand construction implications for the family adhesion to psychotherapy. The conjoint familiar demand was a notion developed in this study, meaning the latent motivation that led the group to the psychotherapy. That is, it corresponds to the interpsychics contents that are still incomprehensible for the family, that does not conceive the suffering as something shared. One claims that, in the period of interviews, it is important to problematize the initial complaint, for times centered in the subject-symptom conflicts. The initial interventions aim the accomplishment of the relatives victimization speech transformation, leading to one responsible joint positioning for the psychic suffering. In the literature review, the psychoanalytic approach was privileged as well as some systemic approach notions. To reach the considered objectives, the research adopted a clinical cases study methodology. Three cases of familiar psychotherapy had been analyzed, with different problematic complaints. The study of the cases was based in the clinical analysis of preliminary interviews contents and in the analysis of the projective material originated from the Family Art Evaluation application- FAD, instrument of familiar evaluation. The three clinical cases descriptions illustrate the preliminary interviews period and the conjoint demand construction work.
Palabras clave : Family psychotherapy; preliminary interviews; family evaluation; initial complaint; conjoint demand.