Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
Print version ISSN 1518-6148
SOUZA, Eliana de Jesus da Costa de and PEDROSO, Janari da Silva. The role of ultrasound examination in the representation of the imaginary baby in first time mothers. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp.1491-1520. ISSN 1518-6148.
The aim of this is study is to analyze the influence of ultrasound test in the mental representation of the imagined baby in women who became pregnant for the first time. The representational world plays an important role in determining the nature of the parents' relationship with the baby. For the author is important to think of two parallel worlds: the external real world and the representational subjective world of ideas and imagery, where there is the real baby in the womb or in the mother's arms and the baby pictured in her mind. The comparison of the imaginary baby with the real baby, usually happens after birth, but now with the advent of obstetric ultrasound, some specific aspects of the baby may be recognized during pregnancy. The data presented in this study, of a qualitative nature, consisted of three first-time mothers' reports that had not undergone ultrasound tests before contact for participation in research. There were two interviews: one before and another after the ultrasound test. Based on psychoanalytic theory, we analyzed the reports of the pregnant women related to the imaginary baby and the influence of ultrasound on their imaginative exercise about the future child, since the examination can reveal some specific aspects of the baby during pregnancy. Among other findings results showed that ultrasound introduces a new temporality to pregnancy, allowing reformulations in their representations and a rapprochement with the real baby.
Keywords : Imaginary baby; real baby; first pregnancy; pregnancy; ultrasound examination.