Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
Print version ISSN 1518-6148
GONCALVES, Thomás Gomes and MACEDO, Mônica Medeiros Kother. Disallowing the perceptive process in the non-psychotic denial of pregnancy. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp.1521-1546. ISSN 1518-6148.
The scientific literature adopts, currently, the name non-psychotic denial of pregnancy to denominate a situation in which a woman does not know that she is pregnant until labor, or at least, for most of the gestational period. The situation can also be defined as a lack of subjective awareness of the woman concerning her pregnancy. This phenomenon is explored in this article addressing the conflicts and psychic mechanisms which support its psychic dynamic. In order to explore this phenomenon, we discuss the mechanism of Verleugnung from the ideas of the psychoanalyst Luis Cláudio Figueiredo who translates Verleugnung as "disallow". The comprehension of the non-psychotic denial of the pregnancy condition, through the concept of disallow, can broaden our understanding regarding the establishment of this singular psychic condition which results in the situation when a woman is not aware of her own pregnancy. We also present some contributions of contemporary psychoanalytical authors who give us essential tools for understanding the situation of non-psychotic denial of pregnancy. This phenomenon, that disallows perception and generates an obstruction for the establishment of psychological connections which gives meaning to the experience, results in a predominance of traumatic intensities in the psyche.
Keywords : Verleugnung; non-psychotic denial of pregnancy; psychoanalysis; disallow; trauma.