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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


ARTEIRO, Isabela Lemos  and  QUEIROZ, Edilene Freire de. The body in drug addiction: a sensation primacy?. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp.1575-1596. ISSN 1518-6148.

The present article is a part of a Master's Degree research in Clinical Psychology developed at the Catholic University of Pernambuco named The Body in Drug Addiction: A Sensation Primacy? The study aimed to investigate the issues present in the bodily experience of a drug addict, linking it to psychoanalysis' important concepts as instinct and pre-pleasure. The following questions were raised in relation to the main research problem: Is it possible to say that the psychic functioning of a drug addict would be governed by a sensations' primacy in detriment of thoughts' activity? Would it be correct to say that in substance abuse the subject makes a return to the first phase of obtaining satisfaction, what Freud termed autoerotic phase? What justifies the importance of this theoretical and clinical articulation in the field of drug addiction is the urgent need for treatment and intervention methods that ensure good care and appropriate management suitable for those who seek ways to get rid of drug addiction. It is necessary to rethink the positioning and clinical management of psychoanalysis on today's new forms of subjectivity, especially those related to drug abuse. Methodologically, this is a psychoanalytic research once it starts from emerging clinical issues. 24 participants from two institutions responsible for the treatment of addicts were interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured to allow the free speech of the participants about their experiences and their relationship with the drug. The data had been analyzed by the discourse analysis method, since the proposed research is of a qualitative nature. The discourse analyses enabled us to sustain a direct relationship between the psychic structure of the drug addict and the search for pleasurable experiences most related to pre-pleasure.

Keywords : body; drug addiction; sensation; short drive circuit; pre-pleasure.

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