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Revista Psicologia Política
versão impressa ISSN 1519-549X
NUNES, Lauro Victor e SILVA, Thaís Roberto da. Between the civil-military regime and the Actuality: the historic social demands to rolezinhos. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.30, pp.263-282. ISSN 1519-549X.
This research aims to study how the structural transformations undergone by the Brazilian government, starting with the exception scheme beginning in 1964, through the market opening since 1990 and the spread of new information technologies and communication since 2000, changed the forms of the organization and social pressure on governments by demands, based on the analysis of a case study: the rolezinhos.
Palavras-chave : State; Authoritarianism; Democracy; Social Demands; Consumerism.