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Revista Psicologia Política
versão On-line ISSN 2175-1390
SILVA, Debora Linhares da; BRANDAO, Wanessa Nhayara Maria Pereira e BATISTA, Vanessa Louise. "Córrego de Ubaranas": possible ways to an educating and emancipating community. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.47, pp.190-203. ISSN 2175-1390.
As a result of the experiences of building socio-cultural, historical-geographical, patrimonial and (especially) affective cartographies in the Quilombola Remaining Community of the Ubaranas Stream, this work integrated the "Two Crevices: Heritage, Culture and BiocentricConsciousness" PROEXT 2013) and the program "Educating City: for a liberating heritage education" (PREX / UFC 2014 and MEC / Sesu - PROEXT 2015). We used the method of participant observation in conjunction with listening to narratives and open interviews, records in field journals, photographic records and the holding of Conversation Wheels and Culture Circles. We aim for primary care with intergenerational, intercommunity and intersectoral relations. The management of communities should not be restricted only to bureaucratic procedures evidenced by the State. In each locality, overcoming the environmental crisis is not in the creation of new molds, but in the elaboration and familiarity with the uncertainties arising from a symbolic and experiential commitment of sustainable search.
Palavras-chave : Educating Community; Quilombolas; Patrimony; Environmental Policy.