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Revista Mexicana de Orientación Educativa
versão impressa ISSN 1665-7527
RIVERA, Eduardo Olivera e SAAVEDRA, Mg. Ángela Orellana. Adaptación y rendimiento escolar de los alumnos de cuarto año medio de liceos científicos humanistas públicos de Curicó, Chile. Rev. Mex. Orient. Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.24, pp.21-34. ISSN 1665-7527.
The present reports is framed within a basic investigation, of corelational descriptive character, about the characteristics of Personal Adaptation, Social Adaptation and notes of average education, of the students of debit 2009, the education average Scientific Humanist, municipal administration of the province of Curicó. One worked exploring through the test of Personality of California or de Personal and Social Adaptation Profile elaborated by Ernest. W. Tiegs, the sample includes to 506 students of both sexes; of which (n? 309) they are of female and (n? 197) men. The intention of the study is oriented to determine the level of relation and factors of variance shared between notes of average education and the Personal and Social Adaptation, around the characteristics of the students. In addition it tries to provide with informational datum to the grammars school of municipal administration, the province of Curicó, so that, possibly, they can review his Institutional Educative Project, the academic methodologies to generate learnings, the dynamic dimension of the organizational culture, the climate of interpersonal relations, the strategic vision of the grammar school, the psicopedagógicas forms of evaluation and interventions that tend to optimize the educative activity developed by the grammars school of the province. Similarly it is an instance to generate dialogue between the actors of the educative process, to reflect his practice and to generate a deep self-criticism that allows to take step to the creation of cultural circles of pedagogical transformation and to illuminate its academic task towards the quality and the fairness, orientation supports of the present Chilean Educational Reformation.
Palavras-chave : Personal adaptation; Social Adaptation; Notes of Teaching Average (N.E.M); Modality of Education; Curricular design with reform.