Cadernos de Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 1676-1049
PITOMBO, Elisa Maria. Family, psychopedagogy and after - modernity. Cad. psicopedag. [online]. 2007, vol.6, n.11, pp.00-00. ISSN 1676-1049.
This article approaches the question of the familiar relations in After-Modernity and its implications in the psychopedagogic clinic attendance. The author has left of the analysis of the family in modernity to argue the differences of speeches and position of after-modernity. The perspective of contradictory identities and plurality of centers of being able that it composes the cultural scene of the family in After-Modernity, faces the citizen with learning problems as part of this dynamics. The clinic listening of the speech, the communication and the language established in the family, through the Psychopedagogy optic’s, provides the understanding of the meaning of not-learning in this institution. It considers the author who the communication between parents and children in the clinic if understood psychopedagogic attendance as a flexible system, that reviews the limits and borders according to demands of After-Modernity, makes possible interventions that they could remains the symptom of learning problems, as learning relations human and plural.
Keywords : Family; Learning; Psychopedagogy; After- Modernity; Communication.