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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


STRAUSS, Marc. Demystifying the interpretation. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2012, n.24, pp.15-24. ISSN 1676-157X.

In this article, the author seeks to demystify the interpretation, triggered by the use made of the Oedipus, highlighting the similarities and the differences to Freud and Lacan regarding the definition of the symptom as a manifestation of the truth and the objective of an analysis. In order to support the proposal, the author discusses Lacan's concept of equivocation, questioning whether its use is enough to show an analysis oriented to the real, and also questions who decides about the end of the multiplicity of meaning. The author concludes the article by justifying with a clinical example, that the use of misunderstanding can lead to ‘more meaning' - answer to the first question - and that, when an analysis is not over yet, while the function of the subject supposed to know is still mobilized, it can be said that a manifestation of the unconscious still carries a meaning - the author's position related to the second question.

Keywords : Interpretation; truth; subject supposed to know; end of analysis.

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