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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X
RUSSO, Roberta Luna da Costa Freire. Tailoring and sewing: interpretation in obsessive neurosis. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2012, n.25, pp.137-142. ISSN 1676-157X.
This paper deals with the interpretation in the obsessive neurosis, developing the idea that on the analyst's side, tailoring as intervention, finds its counterpoint: a subject who incessantly seeks the sewing as warranty. This happens because he/she ties up the significant as to leave out the one too much introduced in the interpretation. Here the guiding question of the work unfolds: How is the obsessive neurosis interpreted once it sits closer to the tailoring than to the sewing? In such opposition, what does the interpretation of the obsessive neurosis aim at? Are the misunderstanding and the tailoring, among others, examples of interpretation provided by Lacan? I have privileged the tailoring, as it operates at the level of S1 and S2, that is, as it operates in the intervals of the significant chain; and the misunderstanding, for being on the side of the enunciation. And both, for being, in my clinical experience with obsessive neurosis, the operators which have provoked the biggest effects of scansion and slides in the discourse of the analyzed.
Palabras clave : Interpretation; Obsessive neurosis; Tailoring; Misunderstanding.