Servicios Personalizados
Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X
NGUYEN, Albert. The desire at the end and in the sequence(s). Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2015, n.31, pp.87-94. ISSN 1676-157X.
In the 1970s Lacan breaks up with an ontological conception of the experience and promotes the "Yad'lun", which obliges to reconsider the desire, the jouissance moving to the heart of the debates. "Yad'lun" answers to "There's no sexual relationship", which does not take place without promoting the question of the existence (check the formulae of sexuation). At the same time, the doctrine of the father and that of the symptom undergo a deep transformation which will make the father himself a sinthome. The effects on psychoanalysis, particularly on the way of the treatment is conducted, are important and center around three terms: singular jouissance, a singularity trace, and humanity trace. A new clinic and an unconscious which suit to be called real are deduced from this: it's time for the parlêtre.
Palabras clave : Yadl'un; Sinthome; Stroke of humanity.