Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
Print version ISSN 1676-157X
PINHO, Miriam Ximenes. The death of the beloved woman: of the romantic mourning or death as a good encounter. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2016, n.32, pp.53-64. ISSN 1676-157X.
Very frequently in clinical practice we meet subjects drowned by a type of romanticized mourning, impossible to finish. These situations of passionate and enduring grief greatly resemble the fascination with death and the great dramatic cases of mourning that marked the age of Romanticism in the nineteenth century. What happens in this type of mourning? Could the romantic conception of love shed some light on them? To what extent this figure of love operates in the mourning process? In order to carefully discuss such concerns, I turn to the precious help of literature, following the trail of Freud and also of Lacan (1958-59/2002, p. 262) for whom "poetic creations engender more than reflect the psychological creations".
Keywords : Mourning; Romanticism; Romantic mourning; Psychoanalysis.