Servicios Personalizados
Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X
QUINET, Antonio. Psychoanalytical homophobias in the 'psychologization' of Oedipus. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2016, n.33, pp.191-199. ISSN 1676-157X.
This paper is part of an on-going critical research project on the psychoanalytical movement proposed by Lacan. The theme social bonds and love partnerships served as the occasion for some psychoanalysts in Europe, at the turn of this century, to expose their psychoanalytical conceptions in papers and on the media about Oedipus Complex, homosexuality, and their concern with the mental health of a child adopted by parents of the same biological sex. We will show how these declarations are impregnated with homophobic prejudice which points to a petty-bourgeois 'psychologization' of the aforementioned complex, a fatal detour of psychoanalysis pointed out by Lacan as of 1967.
Palabras clave : Oedipus; Homosexuality; Homophobia; Homoparentality; Heterity; Sinthome.