Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
RUBIO, Helena. Relations between quality of life and structure of personality in depressed people. Psic [online]. 2002, vol.3, n.1, pp.58-85. ISSN 1676-7314.
This study mentions the relations to it between depression and quality os life. They had been applied PRIME-Módulo de Humor, for the diagnosis of the depression, the SF-36, to evaluate the quality of life and the drawing of the figure human being as projectiva technique to evaluate aspects of the personality of these citizens.The sample was composite popr for woman and a man, with ages varying between 38 and 57 years. Carrying through a matching it enters the results gotten through these instruments, observing with the SF-36 the aspects most objective and with the drauwing of the figure human being the aspects most subjective, it was perceived presence od depressive strokes in both, concluding itself that the quality of life of these people is of fact very comprometida. They need therefore, of medical and psychotherapic handling.
Keywords : Depression; Qualitiy of life; PRIM-MD.