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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
SLAPAK, Sara et al. Cambio Psìquico: técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación aplicados a niños que realizan psicoterapia psicoanalìtica grupal. Psic [online]. 2002, vol.3, n.1, pp.86-97. ISSN 1676-7314.
The aim of this pilot study is to assess psychic change in children between six and eight years old and the development and application of techniques and instruments for the evaluation of their" changes. Children receive group psychotherapy, at the Clinical Psychology Unit for Children at the School of Psychology at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conceptual frame is the Theary of the Objectal Relalionships. The sample consisted of 20 children in 4 psychotherapy groups. Two instruments were developed and applied for the analysis and evaluation of the individual psychic changes during the group psychotherapy sessions: a) a follow-up protocol for psychotherapy and b) a computer assisted analysis. The software used was Atlas/ti. Psychic change was assessed during the first six 11Ionths of psychotherapy. The results of the provisional application of these techniques and instruments at the psychotherapy sessions were compared to the results from the Rorschach test and retest and the Child Behaviour CheckLisl (Achenbach) test and retest; both instruments were applied at the beginning of psychotherapy and after an interval of at least 6 months. The results indicate that group psychoanalytic psychotherapy is choice device for children with various pathologies and that empirical investigation is enriched by the use of quantitative and qualitative methodology.
Keywords : Psychoanalytic group of children; Psychic change assessment; Follow-up protocol; Computer assisted analysis; Rorschach Psychodiagnosis; Child Behaviour Check-list.